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THF Grant Presentation, Braniff Airways Foundation

Saturday, September 16, 2023
2:00 pm3:00 pm
Frontiers of Flight Museum | 6911 Lemon Ave, Dallas | September 16
Braniff International advertisement image from 1960s

A presentation of Texas Historical Foundation's grant to Braniff Airways Foundation will take place Saturday, September 16, coinciding with the historic airway carrier's 90th anniversary event. The grant supports BAF's archival effort, The End of the Plain Plane, which will see media from Braniff's innovative and influential period of design spanning from 1965 through 1996 digitized and made available online, to the thrill of scholars and design enthusiasts alike.

Perhaps best known for the bold look of their aircraft and employee uniforms, Braniff remains the gold standard in terms of encapsulating the vibrant styles and cutting edge advertisements that captured the imagination of the 1960s. Braniff Airways Foundation was established in 2015 to preserve and promote the history of the airline, chiefly through the curation of the Braniff International Heritage Archives. This project will digitize film, photos, and print media from the carrier's historic run, including materials created by some of the foremost proponents of advertising and visual design in the 20th century. Tens of thousands of feet of film depicting the airline's splashy heyday will get the digital treatment, showcasing their influence in Texas and beyond.

The presentation of the grant will take place during Braniff Airway's 95th anniversary bash at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemon Avenue in Dallas. Tickets are sold out.