Don't see the question you need an answer to below? Submit it using our contact form and THF staff will respond to you directly as soon as possible.
Where can I find a Texas Historical Foundation grant application?
Applications for THF's Quarterly Micro Grant Program can be downloaded here.
Requests for grants in excess of $8,000 are considered annually as a part of the Annual Grants program, and require a letter of inquiry to apply. If your letter of inquiry is selected for consideration, you will receive additional materials and instructions to submit an application.
If you have any difficulties downloading the Quarterly Micro Grant application or have further questions regarding submissions, please email
What is the deadline to submit a grant proposal?
Quarterly Grant applications typically must be submitted by 5:00 CT on the first of the following months: June, September, December, March. For the most current information on all grant cycle deadlines, please see Application Deadlines.
For 2025 Annual Grant program requests, a letter of inquiry should be submitted by March 1, 2025. If your proposal is selected, you will be provided with application materials as well as a timeline to submit them.
Please Note: THF is currently transitioning to a new application system for all grant programs. This will bring changes to long-standing Quarterly Grant deadlines beginning in the Summer 2025 cycle. More information will be posted to the Funding Opportunities page by March 18, 2025. [this message was posted 1/18/2025]
Is there a limit to the amount of grant funds an organization can request?
Grant requests up to $8,000 are recommended for the Quarterly Micro Grants Program. Requests in the range of $8,000-$25,000 are considered annually; please submit a letter of inquiry to
The most current information on forthcoming review cycles for Quarterly and Annual Grants can be found here.
We would like to apply for an Annual Grant, but have already applied for or received a Quarterly Grant in the last year. Are we eligible?
Recent recipients of THF Quarterly Micro Grants are eligible for the 2025 Annual Grant program; both for the project for which they have received funding and for other projects. This may change in future Annual Grant cycles.
If you have applied for, but not received, a Quarterly Micro Grant for a specific project, it is a good indicator that the project is a not good match to succeed in the Annual Grants process. The Annual Grants program is more competitive than the Quarterly Micro Grants program, with only a handful of proposals selected to move forward to the application stage and a single applicant awarded funding.
Can we apply for the Duda Preservation Award if we have already applied for a Quarterly or Annual Grant?
Yes, the Duda Preservation Awards are distinct from the Texas Historical Foundation’s Grants Program and can be awarded concurrently. Application or receipt of a THF Grant does not disqualify applicants from Duda Preservation Award nomination, or vice versa.
What is the difference between THF Grants and the Duda Preservation Awards?
Duda Preservation Awards are distinct from Texas Historical Foundation's Annual Grants and Quarterly Micro Grants Programs in many ways. The eligibility requirements for the Duda Preservation Awards are more stringent than our regular Grants Program. A broad range of projects related to Texas history are eligible for Annual Grant or Quarterly Micro Grant funding, whereas the Duda Awards offer larger prizes and apply only to specific architectural preservation projects.
THF Quarterly Micro Grants are awarded four times a year with the average grant being $7,000, and target smaller community organizations with the goal of supplementing projects. The Duda Preservation Awards take place biennially with prizes of $20,000-$100,000, and seek submissions from applicants with a strong track record of demonstrated excellence in the preservation of historic architecture.
To learn more about the Duda Preservation Awards, visit For details of eligibility and FAQ's pertaining to the Duda Preservation Awards, click here.
What does THF look for in an LOI or Letter of Inquiry?
An LOI, or Letter of Inquiry (sometimes referred to as a Letter of Interest) is your pitch to a grantmaking organization, requesting consideration for funds and briefly introducing your project and organization in a compelling way.
If you are considering throwing your hat in the ring for an Annual Grant, you may be wondering what THF looks for in an LOI. A strong LOI will do the following:
- Introduce the the organization and request
- Outline the project scope and methodology
- Provide the basics of the project budget and additional funding sources
- Provide intended project outcomes
- Be succinct and to the point; ideally no more than 2 pages in length. Remember, you will have time to expand later if your LOI is selected.
We ask that you please keep these letters succinct, and be sure to include a primary contact for the application process, including basic contact information such as email, phone number, and mailing address.
We received a THF grant in the past. Can we submit an application for a new project in development? What about more funding for the same project?
An organization can submit a proposal for a new project or for another phase of a previously‐funded project after a period of one year. The organization must also be current with scheduled follow-up reports and in full compliance with prior grant agreements to be considered for additional funding.
A grant application for an ongoing project was previously denied. Can my organization submit another request for the same project?
Applicants are discouraged, but not precluded, from applying for the same project in concurrent cycles once denied. If you would like to re-submit an application for a project that has previously been denied, we strongly advise speaking to THF staff before submitting.
Because THF is a small organization handling a high volume of grant requests, an explicit reason the request was declined is not always proactively provided. However, THF staff will generally provide feedback upon request. To request application feedback, click here.
Are grants limited to organizations based in Texas?
An organization not based in Texas may apply for THF grant funding provided that all other eligibility requirements are met and at least one of the following elements is present:
- The project centers the preservation of the state or former Republic of Texas history
- The proposed project will take place largely in the state of Texas
- The primary objective of the project directly benefits Texas citizens in a manner consistent with THF's mission
- The project otherwise celebrates or encourages engagement with the history of the state or former Republic of Texas
If you are applying on behalf of an out-of-state organization and have any questions regarding the eligibility of your project, please contact
What kinds of projects does the Foundation favor?
THF supports a broad range of preservation initiatives, including the safeguarding of historic structures, artifacts, and archives, archeological research, history education efforts, celebration of Texas culture, and the promotion of the arts. For more information on what types of projects the Foundation funds, take a look at current THF preservation endowments and projects that have received funding support.
Are there types of projects that are not of interest?
Historically, THF has no record of funding requests for standard operating expenses (including routine maintenance of historic structures or sites), or underwriting fundraising events.
Projects that offer or expand upon efforts that engage the public with Texas history, preserve or celebrate Texas' material or cultural history, or contribute to a body of knowledge are favored over day-to-day operations costs or general maintenance requests.
What criteria does the Foundation consider when making grants?
Public Benefit: The ideal candidate project demonstrates a strong benefit to the public, be it through access, community involvement, preservation of an endangered heritage resource, contribution to the body of knowledge, etc.
Community Support: The strongest applications show a record of community support. An application should demonstrate that residents, local businesses and/or community leaders have invested the project by volunteering, donating to the cause, or assisting otherwise.
Adherence to Best Practices: Adherence to best practices is an important factor in consideration. This can mean having a preservation plan in place for a structure, using appropriate materials and methods when handling archives, or adhering to government or professional guidelines for treatment of historic structures, artifacts, and archeological sites.
Ability to See the Project Through: An organization is encouraged to demonstrate the ability to obtain to the financial resources necessary to ensure the project’s completion. The Foundation board likes to see that grant requests (including those that are pending or have been denied) have been made to other funders, and that other methods of fundraising (letter writing campaigns, events, etc.) are planned or have already taken place. The grant application provides an organization the opportunity to list this information.
Longevity: Another factor that the board takes into account is a project’s longevity. For bricks‐and‐mortar projects, consideration is given to the feasibility of upkeep. Is the work part of a broader preservation goal? Is there sufficient funding to maintain it?
Compatibility with THF's Mission: The strongest applications demonstrate a fidelity to the mission of the Texas Historical Foundation Grant Program; preserving state and local histories in a manner that is accessible, of demonstrable public benefit, and encouraging of engagement.
Does the Foundation favor rural or urban projects?
Every community and organization that has a worthwhile project is encouraged to apply. THF regularly funds projects both urban and rural.
Rural projects in particular are eligible for awards from the Jeanne R. Blocker Memorial Fund. Qualifying projects take place in communities of 30,000 or fewer.
What is the process for grant review?
THF staff will review the application for completeness, checking that all required supporting documentation has been received. The proposal is then sent to the Grants Committee for assessment, who then make a recommendation to the THF board. The full board votes on proposals at a quarterly meeting, typically held each January, April, July, and October.
There may occasionally be deviation from these dates; please review the table found here for the most current cycle timelines.
Applicants will receive notification of the decision within 14 days following the board vote. A timeline of when to expect a response will be included in a confirmation email after your proposal has been received. Please do not call or email the office to inquire about the decision unless your organization did not receive notification within the time period indicated.
Grants in the range of $8,000 - $25,000 are considered annually. The selection process involves submitting a letter of inquiry to using the timeline indicated in the table found on this page. Submitted letters of inquiry are reviewed by Foundation staff and Grants Committee leadership, who then make their selection recommendations to the Committee.
Select organizations will then be invited to follow up with an application expanding on their project for the review of the Grants Committee. Of those invited to apply, a single project will be selected for funding.
If a grant is turned down, will we be told why?
Texas is large, and historical preservation needs are great. Because of the number of proposals that are received, THF is not able to respond affirmatively to all requests. Budgetary limitations are the most frequent reason for denials, followed closely by a high volume of requests within a specific area of work.
While we are unable to proactively provide the reason for denial, staff will make every effort to do so upon request, including offering additional resources and constructive guidance for future applications where possible.
If you would like more information on why a request was declined, please send an email to that includes the name of the applicant organization and submission date.
Must applicants have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status to apply for a THF grant?
The Foundation does not consider applications from individuals, businesses, or organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status for our grants program. However, submissions from Friends organizations on behalf of an applicant are permitted, as are applications for collaborative projects in which a participating 501(c)(3) entity makes the request and umbrella arrangements.
As of 2024, the Texas Historical Foundation considers both 501(c)(3) non-profit entities as well as governmental organizations for nomination in the Duda Preservation Awards. For more details on eligibility, visit this link.
Can a nonprofit apply for a grant if their 501(c)(3) application has been submitted but is not yet approved?
At this time, only organizations with 501(c)(3) status are considered for Quarterly and Annual Grants programs.
Can a city or county government apply for a grant?
Because only 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible for Quarterly and Annual Grants programs, governmental organizations do not tend to qualify. However, applications from Friends groups and other partnerships or umbrella arrangements with an eligible 501(c)(3) fiscal agent are accepted.
Qualifying government entities may be eligible for funding through the Duda Preservation Award program. Please see Eligibility & Requirements for details.
Do I need to be a member of the Texas Historical Foundation to apply for a grant?
THF membership is not required, but a show of support for our mission and efforts is always appreciated! Please keep in mind that an organization submitting a proposal can join at any membership level.
To learn more about joining the Texas Historical Foundation as a member, click here.
Does THF’s grants program require matching funds?
While a funds match is certainly desirable and encouraged, there is not a standard requirement that grant funds be matched.
Under certain circumstances, THF may require a funds match or the remaining balance of funding needed to complete the project a requirement of the grant agreement, however, this is not a standard requirement.
For projects involving restorations of structures, must the applicant own the property?
For any projects that involve capital improvements to a property, the property generally must be owned by the prospective grantee.
While the Foundation may consider long-term lease agreements in special cases, the property should generally be owned by the applicant for bricks-and-mortar restoration projects in order to be eligible for the Duda Preservation Awards and THF Grants.
If you are interested in applying for funding for an architectural preservation project or an effort that otherwise makes long-term capital improvements to a structure or facility not owned by the applicant, please contact THF staff to confirm eligibility prior to submitting.
For projects involving structural restoration, must an applicant follow the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for such work?
The Texas Historical Foundation strongly urges applicants to follow the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as guidance for decision-making about work or changes to a historic property, and will disqualify projects in which it is clear that the Standards are not being followed. The Standards are frequently cited and referenced by federal, state, and local agencies, as well as used by professionals in the history field.
To Download a copy of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards, click here:
Will THF consider loans or contributions to fundraising campaigns?
Loans and contributions to fundraising campaigns are not eligible for grant funding at this time.
Who do I contact for further information?
Click here to get in touch with Foundation staff.