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THF Newsletter

Texas Historical Foundation's monthly newsletter covers our latest news as well as preservation updates from around the state. Check out past newsletters below, and be sure to sign up to have them delivered to your inbox!

Nine organizations receive funding in the Winter 2025 grant cycle; Gault Film to premiere on PBS in March; Grant presentations for Meetinghouse Revival, First Independent Baptist Church, Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center, and Dallas Mexican American Historical League; three directors added to THF board.

Cindy Walker House in Mexia to become museum and community center; 2025 Star of Texas tickets and sponsorships available; THF directors visit College Station; upcoming screenings for new Liz Carpenter film; African American Heritage Project receives grant for ADA-compliant entryway and restoration of the original mantlepiece.

2024 Retrospective: A Year of THF Giving; 2025 Star of Texas Award announced; Happy Holidays from THF.

Fall 2024 grantees announced; 2024 Duda Forum recap; THF Director Bernie Sargent elected HPO of Montgomery County; DHS honors THF Director Sam Coats for his Civil Service; Institutional Partners Directory launched; Friends of the Bristol Schoolhouse grant presentation; Winter 2024 Authentic Texas released.

The evolution of Caddo pottery; David Preziosi receives award from Texas Society of Architects; THF appoints two new board members; Texas Archive of the Moving Image receives 2024 annual grant; Gault film premiers; Sam Houston State University receives grant for museum and archives; 2024 Duda Forum announced for mid-November.

Remembering THF Director Tom Middlebrook; New permanent exhibit opens at Brenham Heritage Museum; THF featured at Fort Worth lecture; Grant presentations this month include Documentary Arts, Inc, Sugarloaf Pictures.

Latest round of grant funding announced; San Jacinto Museum & Battlefield grant presentation

A new fiscal year begins for THF as we close out a very successful year; grants given to El Paso Museum of History, Caddo Mounds State Historic Site Friends Association, and The Mexican American Museum of Texas.

Gus Hinojosa of The Mexican American Museum of Texas tells us about their future Dallas museum and their current exhibit "Life and Death on the Border 1910-1920;" June grants awarded to Cavalla Historical Foundation, Palacios Area Historical Association, Dabney Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Jean Mills Jefferson Memorial Fund, Brenham Heritage Museum, and Bryan Museum.

Fire destroys historic Royse City Methodist Church in May; Ten non-profits chosen to receive THF grants in Spring 2024 cycle; Cemetery preservation meets Blackland Prairie Conservation; Braniff History & Architecture Conference Announced for September 2024.

Inaugural Michael C. Duda Preservation Awards event a success; Rockdale's Old City Hall bell tower returns; Friends of THC grant presentation takes place at Real Places 2024 conference; Inaugural Bryan Museum History Symposium, presented by THF, announced for June 2024.

The legacy of William Sydney Pittman, Texas' first black architect; Grant presentations for Friends of the Tye Preston Memorial Library and Castro Colonies Heritage Association.

Restoration of the Clay House in Nacogdoches; 12 organizations chosen to receive THF grants in Winter 2024 cycle.

New Tom Lea Trail Mobile Tour app by the Tom Lea Institute; Michael C. Duda Preservation Awards event tickets on sale; THF's 70th anniversary; Grant presentations to Italian Cultural & Community Center and Glenwood Cemetery Historical Preservation Foundation; Edward Lengel becomes new THC Director.

Happy Holidays from THF; Date announced for 2024 Michael C. Duda Preservation Awards event; Grant presentation for Dr Pepper Museum.

THF supports pre-historic research statewide; Lost + Found exhibit curated by David Preziosi opens at AD EX in Dallas; El Paso Museum of History honors THF board member Juan Uribe and wife Linda; Daughters of the Republic of Texas and Latinos in Heritage Conservation receive THF grants; THF to partner with Authentic Texas Magazine; Duda Center announces fellowship opportunity.

Republic of Texas Legation in London; Inaugural Duda Forum on Historic Preservation; Grants presented to Texas Energy Museum, Doss Heritage & Cultural Center, and Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center; Texas HERITAGE Magazine to feature change makers in next issue.

THF Staff attends two Preservation Texas Summits in Tyler and San Marcos; Duda Forum on Historic Preservation and Development; Duda awards internal review of applications completed; THF grants presented to four organizations this month; and a peek inside the contents of Texas HERITAGE Volume 3.

Update on the restoration of two Dell Motley leatherwork art pieces; THF moves to Dallas; THF presents grants to Preservation Austin and San Antonio Conservation Society; George and Harriet Fulton to be featured in upcoming HERITAGE Magazine.

The history of the western Texas border; THF Summer board meeting held in Taos, NM; Grant presented to North Texas Masonic Museum & Library; Texas citrus production highlighted in next HERITAGE magazine.

The history of the Royse City Futuro House; THF hosts Sharron and Doug Rogers Appreciation Reception in Grapevine; Preview of HERITAGE article about the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station established after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Grants Director Ryann Griffin takes us along on her trek to see four Painted Churches in the Texas hill country; Executive Director David Preziosi gives us an update on North Central Texas Regional Preservation Summit 2023; Texas HERITAGE celebrates 40 years of publishing; 2024 Duda Preservation Award submissions are open; THF website gets a makeover.

Veterans assist in the search for the Battle of Medina site; technological updates coming to THF website; North Central Texas Regional Preservation Summit 2023; Burrell Cannon and his flying machine.

Wise County Heritage Museum destroyed by fire, 2023 Star of Texas Event update, Freedman's Town of North Dallas, THF Directors hold Spring board meeting in Fort Worth.

THC relaunches travel heritage website; Honorary THF Director Red McCombs passes away at 95; monuments of the Capitol Historical Artifact Collection in Austin.

Neill-Cochran House Museum to restore last known slave quarters in Austin; Texas HERITAGE to feature Republic of Texas boundary marker in next issue; Winter 2023 round of THF grant recipients announced; THF approves new endowment established by gift from Sharron and Doug Rogers of Grapevine; Board of Directors hold Winter meeting in Rockport.

Restoration of Bolivar Point Lighthouse moving forward; the architecture of Diedrich Rulfs; Boy Scout earns Eagle Scout rank by leading survey of Houston cemetery; Cavender family featured in Life & Land.

Brenham Heritage Museum opens to the public; Fall 2022 grant recipients announced; former THF President Rosine Wilson passes away; new Duda Center for Preservation established; Dr. Michael Collins honored at THF luncheon; Guadalupe Mountains National Park history featured in next Texas HERITAGE Magazine.

Emergency archeology; THF Grants Spotlight: Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Inc; THF board member publishes book about Enid Justin and the Nocona Boot Company; THF Director to lead Braniff Airways Foundation Program; 2023 Star of Texas Gala to honor Cavender Family and their company; artist Tom Lea to be featured in upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine; Real Places Conference scheduled for February in Austin.

Get ready to celebrate Texas archeology in October; THF grants spotlight; Blackwell schools reaches historic milestone; SAVE THE DATE: March24, 2023 - Star of Texas Gala Event Planned; Heritage communities focus on immigrant history. Historic preservation takes center stage at upcoming conference - Real Places Conference set for February 1-3, 2023, in Austin.

Seven preservation grants awarded in July; THF board member gains disaster training certification; Little-known part of the Galveston movement story explored; Texas archeologist, Dr. Michael Collins, to be honored at the October event.

Historic Home of Dr. James Dickey Destroyed, THF Directors Advocate for Dickey House Project, Architect Nicholas Clayton Left His Mark on Texas.

Letter from New THF Executive Director David Preziosi, Dickey Museum & Multipurpose Center Receive Their Fifth THF Grant, Texas Archeologist Dr. Michael Collins to be Honored for his Work at the Gault Archeological Site

Texas Historical Foundation May Newsletter: South Texas Receives THF Grant Love, What is a Pysanka Egg?, Marshall Doke Wins Statewide Award, Saving Austin’s Treaty Oak: A Labor of Love.

Endowment Assists Small Town Preservationists, Bernie Sargent Leaves Big Boots to Fill in El Paso, Special Issues of Texas HERITAGE Uploaded to Website, Travis' Letter From The Alamo Makes Rare Public Appearance, Lipan Burial Site Threatened.

Search for New THF Executive Director Underway, Rockdale Restoration Wins THF Grant, Women’s History Month, Clara Tarpley, THF Around the State, Website Blog-Part II, La Villita

Twelve (Yes, Twelve!) Grant Awards Given in January! A dozen preservation groups in Texas received approval in the latest round of grants from the Texas Historical Foundation.

The Texas Historical Foundation sends good wishes to all our supporters for a wonderful 2022….and thanks those who gave so generously to the organization’s year-end campaign. Donations help THF carry on its mission of preserving the Lone Star past.

Thank you and Happy New Year!, THF Funds First-Generation Refugee Research
in Aransas County, New Blog Spotlights Another Side of Distinguished
Architect Henry Trost, THF gathering at 3 Nations, Preservation Conference Slated for February 2-4 2022.

THF Grant Helps Make a Museum—and a Community—Safer, THF Leader and Benefactor Marshall Doke Receives Statewide Preservation Award, Ghost Signs Featured in Upcoming THF Magazine, Southern Cattle Fever Map Featured in THF’s Next Blog Post, THF Partners with State Agency on Upcoming Preservation Conference...

Buildingcommunity WORKSHOP helps preserve home in Dallas Freedman's Town, THF partners with THC, Kay Hindes (THF Scholar Director) receives honor, THF participates in Amplify Austin, and previews of the upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine.

Jim Bowie and his family's fateful trip to escape 1833 cholera outbreak; Linden Heritage Foundation grant impact; new members.

Celebrating Juneteenth's history; two Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church grants that helped build a new chapel and funding to become a Texas Historic State Landmark; funding to help R.F. Hardin Museum restore it's historic school info a museum; Grant awarded to Rice University to find slave remains at the Wyatt Chapel Cemetery.

THF names new Development Director; Houston strikes oil and changes Texas history; grant impact of Austin's Historic Millet Opera House; Ruthe Winegarten Foundation for Texas Women's History invites women to journal during Covid for future historic references.

Texas Historical Foundation grant cycle temporarily suspended due to Covid 19. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine spotlights historic Houston including how the oil business and NASA affected the state. Learn more about Texas history during quarantine with THC videos.

Current Texas HERITAGE magazine showcases the oral histories of East Texas residents since 1950s collected by The History Center in Diboil and Baylor Institute of Oral History's collection of WWII Texas service members who helped liberate concentration camp survivors. Grant presentation checks presented to Austin Co Museum Assoc., Bellville and Victoria Preservation, Inc.

Don't forget to celebrate Texas Independence Day March 2nd! THF grant check presentations made to Columbia Heritage Foundation. THF director, Sylvia Tillotson named THC George Christian Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award. National Fund for Sacred Places is offering grants to congregations of all faiths.

THF ends 65th anniversary on a high note. THF grant presentations made to Hemisfair Conservancy, San Antonio and Bosque County Museum, Clifton. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature historic Fort Worth including features on aeronautics, cattle heritage and Stuart Scott Gentling. THF director, Elizabeth Wahlquist recognized for her volunteer efforts by DFW Airport Chaplaincy. THF friend and philanthropist, Charline McCombs dies.

Texas Historical Foundation grant check presentation made to Smithville Heritage Society. Mary Jon & J. P. Bryan Leadership in Education Award, sponsored by the Texas Historical Commission, is accepting nominations. THF memberships make great holiday gifts.

Texas Historical Foundation grant check presentation made to Southwestern University,Georgetown, to help preserve the recently uncovered photos of Robert Stone and Nathaniel Wilcox. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will spotlight on new Netflix film, The Highwaymen". Chisholm Trail Museum, Cuero, opened a new exhibit, "Cuero Celebrates Warhol".

Texas Historical Foundation presented a grant to Grayson County College Foundation, Dennison, to help with produce the history of T. V. Munson, the man who helped save France's grapevines from extinction with the introduction of a Texas grape varietal. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature the story of Gov. James Allred's plan to end the violence against African-American citizens in San Augustine with the formation of the Texas Rangers.

Texas Historical Foundation endowments growing and what that means for our Texas preservation grants. THF grant presentation was awarded to The Alamo Trust. Look for the next edition of Texas HERITAGE magazine which will spotlight the Texas Rangers.

Texas Historical Foundation awards $21,000 to Alamo Trust for restoration and preservation of seven Alamo cannons. After the cannons' work was completed, they were returned to the Alamo with pomp and circumstance. THF announces the creation of a new endowment, The William Jack Sibley Arts Endowment, to preserve and promote the Texas arts. THF grant presentations were made to the Texas Vertebrate Paleontology Collections at The University of Texas, Austin.

Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature Texas women's slow march to independence and equality and a feature on Hortense Ward, Texas' first state practicing attorney. THF grant presentation to Caddo Mills Historic Site.

Caddo Mounds State Historical Site suffers from spring tornado. What you can do to help. Texas Historical Commission offers Disaster Relief Assistance Grants for those affected by the spring storms. Texas Historical Foundation grant check presentations were made to the Rutherford B. H. Yates Museum, Houston; and The University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley Foundation, Edinburg.

Texas Historical Foundation grant check presentations were made to Montopolis Productions - the first grant from the newly established Sibley Endowment-- Austin, The Wittliff Collection, San Marcos; Williamson County Museum, Georgetown; and the Millett Opera House, Austin. The latest edition of the Texas HERITAGE magazine features an article on Camp Swift Army Training Center and its impact on the city of Bastrop.

Texas Independence Day is coming March 2nd! Texas Historical Foundation announces new endowment -- The William Jack Sibley Arts Endowment. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will spotlight Texas small towns that have revitalized their downtowns to boost their local economies. Center for the Advancement & Study of Early Texas Artists announce their annual symposium.

Texas Historical Foundation celebrates their 65th anniversary! THF grant check presentations were made to Friends of the Historic Center for Aransas County, Rockport; and the Dickey House Museum & Multi Purpose Center, Inc., Taylor. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will focus on small town museums in Cuero, Mount Pleasant, Mount Vernon and Canton. Historic Fort Worth is accepting nominations for "most endangered" buildings in Fort Worth.

Texas Historical Foundation made grant check presentations to Amigos of Goliad State Park, Goliad; Texas Wendish Heritage Society, Serbin; and Whitehead Memorial Museum, Del Rio. Texas Historical Commission is accepting applications for preservation grants in Galveston County and the American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is accepting grant applications for historic sites featuring African American culture.

Texas Historical Foundation made grant presentations to Dickey House Museum & Multipurpose Center, Taylor. Upcoming Texas Heritage magazine will feature an article on Eleanor Onderdonk, the curator of the Wittliff Collection at Texas State University - San Marcos, for over 30 years and her amazing history.

Texas Historical Foundation made grant check presentations to El Camino Real de lost Tejas National Historic Landmark Assoc. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine celebrates San Antonio's tricentennial including new finds at the Alamo, Hill County historic county schools discovered on driving tour.

Texas Historical Foundation's Chairman Emeritus, Marshall Doke, donates Texas Supreme Court decision volumes to Bryan Museum, Galveston. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature San Antonio's Espada Acequia irrigation system used in the 1700s to bring water to crops using gravity.

THF Chairman Emeritus, Marshall Doke, donates Teas Supreme Court decision volumes to Bryan Museum, Galveston. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature San Antonio's Espada Acequia irrigation system used in the 1700s to bring water to crops using gravity.

THF Grant Presentations to the North Texas Society of History and Culture, Nocona; Commerce Public Library, Commerce; and Alamo Foundation, San Antonio, Alamo's seven cannons restored with THF's help. Lone Star Jewish History featured in Texas HERITAGE magazine

THF awards grants to Fort Concho Foundation and Chandler Historical Museum, Inc.; World War II Prisoners of War Adorn Panhandle Church, Umbarger.

Upcoming Texas Historical Foundation's Texas HERITAGE magazine will feature an article on B'nai Abraham and the history of Jewish synagogues in Texas. THF grants presented to Houston Heritage Society and Kosse Heritage Society, Kosse.

Texas Historical Foundation awards grants to help "The Handbook of Texas Women" and Wilson County Jailhouse Museum, Floresville. Upcoming Texas HERITAGE magazine to spotlight farm-to-market roads, Trammel's Trace, and vintage gas stations.

Texas Historical Foundation awards grant to Whitehead Memorial Museum, Del Rio. Texas HERITAGE magazine features on farm-to-market roads, Trammel's Trace, and vintage gas stations.

Trammel Trace Research Revealed; THF Awards Grant to Brownsville Historical Association; THF Executive Director, Gene Krane, receives award from Texas Historical Commission.